
Just to shake things up a bit I rearranged my desk today. I moved my work computer from the left side of my desk to the right so that I wouldn't have to angle my neck to see it. Pretty risky huh?
I'm starting to get into a routine, something I've been trying to do for about ... since I got here. I've also been trying to accomplish this while I was back in Mannheim, ya know be able to say, "Yeah, I'll be home at 6pm," and actually be home at the time I said I would be instead of having to put out one more fire that popped up at the last minute. Now that I actually have a set schedule I don't have access to the reason that I wanted a schedule; Katie. Kinda sucks.
Sunday I'm done at about 1730, Monday through Friday (unless a fire pops up) I'm done at about 1830, and Saturday I'm off (sorta, I come into work, but only to play video games and surf the net so if a call comes in that something's broke I still handle it, I just don't go looking for work). When my day ends I go to the DFAC, on Fridays I get Strawberry ice cream with strawberry toppings and chocolate sauce. After dinner I head back to the office to play some video games or watch a movie, stopping only to pick up some popcorn on the way. I'll stay at the office until about 2230 and then I go back to my trailer to sleep. All I really lack is my family.
The picture I posted is of Brian (one of the afore mentioned family). He was playing a set at a concert in front of a dam, not sure which one, think it was the Grand Coolee. Except for not being able to see him clearly, I thought that this was a great picture of him.
wow...don't do anything dangerous, like, i dunno...something. routines are nice. and people say Iraq is dangerous. crimeny, the embassy sounds almost boring.
Grand Coulee was correct
And here's some news, I now have my own domain
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